Kelly Parker *Winner
Community Allotment
My problem statement was to design a solution to educate and encourage the local community to make use of the local allotment and become greener and more self-sufficient with food.
Whilst researching nature in my local community I found out that 0% of food is grown here (Gibraltar) and we rely on imported food. However, in a small community establishment we have an allotment, the only one in the country too. So, I chose to focus on this area.
My community allotment package consists of 3 parts and designed to address my problem statement.
Community allotment notice board
I chose a wooden notice board to display my local community allotment information as I thought this was fitting with the nature theme. The notice board is designed to inform the community of what is on offer (ready to harvest now) as well as a QR code for those wanting to join the group to help maintain the allotment. I placed the directions on here too as my research showed this to be a factor in why community members had not visited the allotment. There are fun facts and an interactive area at the bottom which when lifted reveals what the vegetable looks like growing underground.
Individual signs
Another element to the community allotment package are the individual signs made with the characters I created. These can be placed anywhere in the community in the hope of reminding people of the allotment and encouraging them to pick fresh vegetables.
Vegeta-pals activity bag
I also made a community Vegeta-Pals activity bag, this hangs on the notice board for all to see. Members of the community can take this home to enjoy and then pass it on. It includes 4 Vegeta-Pals characters all handmade using recycled teddies and fabric. Activity cards to encourage families to get out in nature and visit the allotment. I have also included information on each vegetable as well as recipes which include them.
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