Tamzin Grebot *Winner
Craft Swap
The mobile app for hobby crafters hoarding dead stock products.
The problem:
Hobby crafters learning and honing new skills often end up with a abundance of creations sitting on shelves taking up valuable space.
The solution:
Craft Swap, a dating-style mobile app for hobby crafters to match with other crafters and swap products. Both parties receive something new to admire, be inspired by and utilise. Revenue is created through paid advertising from relevant crafting industry businesses. Paid influencer partnerships bring users to the platform and charity organisations are gifted free advertising slots.
The poster:
The poster shows initial app mock ups of a basic user flow to sell the idea to users and wider stakeholders. It shows some examples of how partnerships may look as well as giving the main platform benefits. The poster gives a general brand feel with a hint towards potential brand colours and fonts.
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